How to Choose a Tennis Racket
Discover how to choose the best tennis racket for you. Whether you're looking for a beginner tennis racket, or seeking a racket to give you the perfect combination of power, spin and control, let Wilson be your guide to finding the perfect tennis racket for every type of player.
As one of the longest-running tennis equipment brands in the world, we know there are many different types of tennis players. Our job is to make a racket for each one of them. Wilson offers four key racket lines that each focus on a specific performance benefit, those being Precision, Feel, Power and Control. Once a player knows what benefit they are looking for out of their racket, we have varying weights and head sizes that provide an additional level of customization for any type of player.
Before you can select the best tennis racket for your level of play, it’s important to understand two elements of racket construction: head size and weight.
OVERSIZE: 105” or larger
MIDPLUS: 98” to 104”
MIDSIZE: 85” to 97”
LIGHTWEIGHT FRAME:9 – 9.7oz / 255 – 275g
MEDIUM FRAME:9.8 – 11oz / 275 – 310g
HEAVY WEIGHT FRAME:11oz / 310g or heavier
Players first learning the game of tennis should start with a light racket featuring a larger head size, often called an “oversize” racket. This will help them make contact with the ball consistently while learning to rally without wearing out their arm as their muscles get used to the game.
When choosing a tennis racket for a beginner, here are a few things to look for:
- Oversize head size
- Lighter frame
- More power
Wilson’sUltraorTriadare great rackets for beginner tennis players. Curious about more? Wilson has curated a collection ofbeginner tennis racketsto make choosing the right racket easy.
Intermediate players can start to reduce their head size and add a little more weight to their racket as their tennis muscles develop and they learn to generate more pace on their own. Doing these two things will allow them to keep their new-found power under control.
When selecting a racket for intermediate tennis players, keep the following in mind:
- Oversize or Midplus head size
- Medium weight frame
- Less power generated from the racket, more control
For intermediate tennis players, check out Wilson’sClashorBladetennis rackets.
Advanced players should be using “mid-size” rackets that allow them to play with control, feel and precision. These three benefits will provide a more connected-to-the-ball feel, allowing players to play more confidently as they go for their shots.
When selecting a racket for advanced tennis players, keep the following in mind:
- Midplus to Midsize head size
- Medium to heavy weight frame
- Rackets optimized for control and feel, such asBladeorPro Staff.
Regardless of your swing style, Wilson has a racket built just for you. Players who play with shortened or flat swings typically prefer their rackets to generate power. For this swing style, beginners or intermediate players should go for theUltra tennis racketwhile more advanced players should grab aPro Staff.
Players who play with more modern, vertical swings typically want their rackets to generate more control and feel. Beginners or intermediate players should start withClashwhile advanced players will feel most confident withBlade.
When choosing a racket, there are three elements which affect power and control: headsize, weight, and string pattern.
- Larger Headsize = More Power; Smaller Headsize = More Control
- Lighter Racket = More Power; Heavier Racket = More Control
- Open Stringed = More Power; Denser Stringbed = More Control

Beginners to Intermediate players, seniors, or those suffering from tennis elbow, should play with multifilament string while Advanced players can have a go at polyester string.
Players should typically string multifilament (synthetic gut) from 53 to 55 lbs to start, and then adjust from there. Higher tension = more control, while lower tension = more power.
If stringing as a hybrid (half poly/half multi), string the polyester 2 lbs below the multifilament. Typically, you should avoid string polyester above 54 lbs as it is already a very stiff material.
To learn more about how to string tennis rackets, check out Wilson’sracket stringing guide.
Racket grip sizes are measured 0 through 5, or in the US, 4(0) – 4 5/8. Most adult women find success with a 4 ¼ (grip size 2) while men typically gravitate towards 4 3/8 (grip size 3).
However, recent trends have seen players using smaller grip sizes to generate more spin.
If you’re unsure about what grip size is best for you, it’s always best to go with a smaller handle because you can useovergripto build up the thickness of the handle.
For decades, Wilson has been the leader in tennis racket innovation. Our team has spent thousands of hours on engineering to fine-tune the perfect racket for all levels of play. One of the innovations which makes Wilson unique is our latest patent-protected technology, “3D Bending,” built into our entire line of rackets.
3D Bending ™ has to do with the three bending moments that occur when a racket makes contact with the ball. Horizontal bending is the forward-to-backward bending that occurs during a flat, or “traditional” swing, increasing control. Vertical bending is the up-and-down bending that occurs during a vertical, or “modern” swing, increasing dwell time and spin. Torsional bending is the twisting that occurs, stabilizing swings on off-center hits. Wilson has mastered how to adjust these three key bending moments to optimize different rackets for different players.
Consistently pushing the envelope of tennis racket technology, Wilson has developed a line of tennis rackets by exacting quality standards for ultimate playability. You can explore our entire collection oftennis rackets,strings, andaccessories, orcustomize your own racketfor a one-of-a-kind playing experience.